Publishing News

Success in the Guardian University Guide

Programmes from the Oxford International Centre for Publishing score consistently high in the national league tables. In the 2023 Guardian University Guide we are ranked second in the table for Journalism. This follows a ranking of first in the 2020 Guide in the category Journalism, Publishing and Public Relations.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 26 Sep 2022 around 10am

Filed Under Research | Journalism | Postgraduate

Rising Stars Awards 2022

The Printing Charity has awards each year for talented and ambitious young people, named as Rising Stars. The awards were celebrated at an evening reception at the House of Lords on 7th July 2022, hosted by Lord Black of Brentwood, who commented that ‘the talent is as bright and shining as ever’. The funding supports personal skills development and we are delighted that two OICP graduates received awards: Daniela Ferrante and Verity Stuart. Daniela works at Fairlight Books in Oxford, where she leads their marketing, social, and digital campaigns. Now in an editorial role at Wiley Blackwell, Verity is working hard towards becoming a commissioning editor, having grown her managerial and editorial skills.

You can find out more about the Rising Stars Awards here

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10 Aug 2022 around 12pm

Filed Under Postgraduate | Publishing

Reception to celebrate 70 years of the NCTJ

On Wednesday 6 July the NCTJ held a reception at the Houses of Parliament to mark 70 years since its foundation. The Oxford International Centre for Publishing is one of its accredited centres for the teaching of journalism. Established in 1951 to run the newspaper industry’s trainee programme, the NCTJ now serves all media, providing a world-class education and training system that equips journalists with the cutting-edge skills and knowledge needed in the fast-changing multimedia industry.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07 Jul 2022 around 1pm

Filed Under Journalism | Events

Publication of Is This a Book?

Now published by Cambridge University Press, the new volume by OICP Director Angus Phillips and Miha Kovač offers a fresh and lively discussion of the form and purpose of the book.

'The 21st century has been a time of huge change for the book, but it has left us with more questions than answers. However in this thought-provoking and informative monograph, Phillips and Kovač uncover what makes the book tick, both today but also over the deep expanse of reading history. They uncover the big questions around the book, whilst offering original answers to what, in an age of transformation, is so significant about this slippery but essential form. Is this a book? is the best single volume on the book there is.' Michael Bhaskar, Co-Founder of Canelo and author of The Content Machine

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07 Jul 2022 around 12pm

Filed Under Research | Postgraduate | Publishing

Remembering Chris Fowler

We are sad to share the news of the death of Chris Fowler (1956 – 2022) from the Library at Oxford Brookes.

Over the years Chris helped numerous staff and students in Publishing, offering invaluable advice and assistance whether around research skills or the relevant books and resources available in the library. She loved the special collections and we are fortunate to have a good variety of publishing-related archives and collections, including the Booker Archive and the Steve Hare, Peter Stockham and Jane Doe collections. She will be much missed.

Full News item here

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01 Jul 2022 around 1pm

Filed Under Research | Postgraduate | Publishing

By the Book7 - programme published

We are delighted to publish the programme for By the Book7 - Publishing in the 21st Century, which is taking place in Paris on the 20th and 21st June 2022. The full conference programme is now available and we are delighted to welcome as keynote speakers Naomi Bacon and John Thompson. Naomi is Founder and Director of Tandem Collective; John is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Cambridge and author of the recently published Book Wars.

Visit the conference page for more details including the programme.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08 Jun 2022 around 9am

Filed Under Research | Events | Postgraduate | Publishing

Graduating students from OICP

May 2022 saw the return of in-person graduation ceremonies and on Tuesday 17 May we were delighted to welcome back students from the class for 2018 to 2019. The sun shone and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces back on campus.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 23 May 2022 around 3pm

Filed Under Events | Oxford Publishing & Digital Media | Postgraduate

Is This a Book? now published

This new book from OICP Director Angus Phillips is now published by Cambridge University Press. Co-authored with Miha Kovač, the book is available for a short period as a free download.

This is a book about the book.

Is this a book? is a question of wide appeal and interest. With the arrival of ebooks, digital narratives and audiobooks, the time is right for a fresh discussion of what is a book. Older definitions that rely solely on print no longer work, and as the boundaries of the book have been broken down, this volume offers a fresh and lively discussion of the form and purpose of the book. How does the audiobook fit into the book family? How is the role of reading changing in the light of digital developments? Does the book still deserve a privileged place in society? The authors present a dynamic model of the book and how it lives on in today's competitive media environment.

For more details visit the CUP page here

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 18 May 2022 around 11am

Filed Under Research | Oxford Publishing & Digital Media | Postgraduate | Publishing

Stationers’ Scholarship open for applications

The 2022 postgraduate bursary scheme is open and applications should be received by 6 July.

The Stationers' Foundation offers a bursary each year to a postgraduate student on the MA Publishing Media or MA Digital Publishing. The successful student will receive a bursary of up to £6,000 and will be offered the opportunity to receive support during their studies from an appropriate member of the Stationers’ Company, taking into account the specific interests of the student.

On successful completion of their Master's programme the award winner will be presented with the Freedom of the Stationers’ Company and it is expected that they will participate in the life of the Company. Dispensation for payment of the annual membership fee will be given for the following three years.

The application form can be found on this page here

When complete it should be emailed to



Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 13 May 2022 around 10am

Filed Under Postgraduate | Publishing

Research on the publishing of academic monographs

Now published in Publishing Research Quarterly is a paper by OICP researchers Philip Shaw, Angus Phillips and Maria Bajo Gutiérrez on the health of the academic monograph: 'The Death of the Monograph?'

A survey of English language academic publishers in the UK, Europe and North America was undertaken in 2021. The objective was to gather data on the current landscape of academic monograph publishing in the arts, humanities, and social sciences and to identify trends. Respondents were asked about their monograph publishing activities, sales, distribution, and about the future direction of their programmes. The report offers independent analysis of publisher information that may be helpful in informing the debate among stakeholders as to the future of the publication of long-form research in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The results offer key insights into the growth in output of titles, the level of print sales, the move towards open access, usage of monographs, and their pricing.

You can view the paper here


Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06 May 2022 around 8am

Filed Under Research | Postgraduate | Publishing

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