Publishing News | Research
History Lecturer wins European Funding
Dr Marius Turda, Marie Curie Fellow and Academic Fellow in Twentieth Century Central European Biomedicine in the History Department, has been awarded a large conference grant by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. Together with Dr Sevati Trubeta (Osteuropa Institut der Freien Universität Berlin) and Dr Christian Promitzer (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Geschichte/Abteilung für Südosteuropäische Geschichte) he will be organising an international meeting on "Hygiene - Health Politics - Eugenics: Engineering Society in Twentieth-century Southeastern Europe", to be held at the Osteuropa Institut der Freien Universität Berlin on 31 May - 2 June 2007. He was awarded 10,000 EUR towards the costs of the conference.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 25 Oct 2006 around 1pm
Filed Under Research
Recent grants awarded to historians of medicine
Two members of the Centre for Health, Medicine and Society, based in the History Department, have recently been awarded grants by the Wellcome Trust.
Dr Alysa Levene was awarded £1990 towards the costs of her project on ‘Children and hospitals in eighteenth-century provincial English and Scottish towns', in which she will undertake a pilot project to establish the feasibility of a larger-scale investigation into child health and the hospital movement in eighteenth-century English and Scottish provincial towns. This is a significant topic given the almost total neglect of children as a category of the sick population in this period, and especially outside London.
Professor Steve King has won £3600 to fund the expenses of a PhD Training Programme in the History of Medicine. This national programme seeks to engage students with the process of writing a PhD, obtaining funding, getting published, doing a viva and presenting seminar papers. The ultimate aim is to bolster completion rates for Wellcome Trust students and to more constructively underpin their entry into the academic job market. This will be the first national training scheme of its kind in the arts and humanities.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 22 Sep 2006 around 11am
Filed Under Research
Historian wins large Research Grant from ESRC
The School of Arts and Humanities is delighted to announce that Dr Virginia Crossman, Senior Lecturer in History, has been awarded the sum of £454,965 by the ESRC towards the costs of her three-year research project, entitled 'Welfare Regimes under the Irish Poor Law 1850-1921'.
The project focuses on the history of poor relief in Ireland from the end of the Great Famine to the establishment of the Irish Free State. Using qualitative and quantitative data, the project will explore the character, organisation and operation of the poor law in Ireland and will trace national and regional patterns in the provision and distribution of relief. Irish experiences of the poor law system will be examined in relation to welfare provision within the United Kingdom as a whole. At the same time, the impact of factors such as religion, national identity and regional economics on the scope and character of welfare practices will be assessed. By analysing both general trends in relief policies and the micro-politics of relief, the project will provide a historical context for contemporary debates on the position of the poor and marginalised in Irish society, and will facilitate the integration of Ireland into the international history of European welfare.
Dr Crossman is one of a number of experts on the history of welfare provision based in the History Department at Oxford Brookes, and her award confirms the growing importance of this area of research.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 22 Sep 2006 around 11am
Filed Under Research
Award-winning MA dissertation published
Rachel Craven's MA dissertation, E-volution and Revolution: Internet Marketing in English Language Publishing has been published as a Print on Demand (POD) book.Rachel's dissertation was chosen for the inaugural Lightning Source Dissertation Award. E-volution and Revolution has been produced as a POD title by Lightning Source, and published by the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies. The book analyses the importance of Internet marketing for English Language Teaching (ELT) publishing by examining the relationship between the marketer, the consumer, and the Internet.
Rachel, a graduate of the MA in Publishing in 2004, now works in e-marketing at The Stationery Office, following employment at Pearson.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03 Aug 2006 around 11am
Filed Under Research | Postgraduate | Publishing
Arts Council award for lecturer in Fine Art
Dr Mohini Chandra has been awarded £4500 by the Arts Council for a project entitled ‘Imaginary Edens'. The work will explore diaspora and migrant experience through photography, collage and installation media. Lifesize photographic backdrops from the Indian diaspora will be combined with family photographs to create fantastic 'imagined' landscapes. The funding will support the research and development of a major series of works for exhibition in 2007/8.Mohini is an artist and researcher whose work is concerned with issues of memory, time and geographic displacement as expressed through the 'everyday' photography of diaspora families. She regularly exhibits at a range of international and national venues and has sucessfully completed a number of publications and site specific projects.
‘Imaginary Edens' will have relevance to any group of people who have experienced migration or diaspora, whatever their cultural background.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 28 Jul 2006 around 11am
Filed Under Research
Grant success for History Professor
Professor Steve King (History) has been awarded a grant of £2060 by the British Academy for a project entitled ‘The economics of overseeing, 1750-1834'. The work aims to explore the local operation of the Old Poor Law in England, and will lay the foundations for a workshop on the history of welfare provision as well as an application to the ESRC for a more substantial project. He has also won £380 from the Economic History Society to support his one-day conference on The Clothing of the Poor 1650-1900: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives (April 2007). This is in addition to funding (£200) already secured from the Royal Historical Society.Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 28 Jul 2006 around 7am
Filed Under Research
Lecturer in Film Studies wins AHRC Research Leave
The School of Arts and Humanities is delighted to announce that Dr Alberto Mira has been awarded a grant of £18,435 under the AHRC Research Leave scheme. The award will enable him to complete work on a book entitled Film Cultures and Gay Communities in Spain 1960-1980. This volume will assess the impact of film culture for the Spanish gay communities from the latter phase of Francoism in the early 1960s until the end of legal prohibition in the early 1980s. These dates mark a critical period for Spanish homosexuals, who went from a situation of illegality to acceptance. The book will build on the starting point that available cultural discourse (and cinema in particular) was part of the process of finding a sense of identity (definitely individual, perhaps social). Given this project is about responses to film and creation of cultural strategies through film, a number of interviews will be held with individuals living in large urban centres, addressing issues such as cinema going and socialising through film, films as examples of reality and films as individual fantasies.Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 25 Jul 2006 around 10am
Filed Under Research
Publishing Lecturers at SHARP 2006
Jane Potter and Claire Squires, lecturers in Publishing, recently attended SHARP 2006.SHARP (the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing) holds an annual international conference, this year in The Hague and Leiden, in The Netherlands. Claire presented a paper on 'Marketing Literature, Making Value: The Literary Marketplace and Crossover Fiction in the UK in the 1990s and 2000s', while Jane spoke about 'A Record of Wartime Publishing: The Bookman, 1914-1918'. Both lecturers also chaired other panel sessions during the three and a half-day conference.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 16 Jul 2006 around 3pm
Filed Under Research | Publishing
New Awards from the British Academy
Professor Steve King (History) has been awarded a grant of £2060 by the British Academy for a project entitled ‘The economics of overseeing, 1750-1834’. The work aims to explore the local operation of the Old Poor Law in England, making use primarily of the accounts kept by the parish overseers who administered poor relief, a critical element in the history of welfare provision.
Dr Catherine Morley (English Studies) has been made an award of £500 by the British Academy to allow her to attend the 8th annual conference of the Modernist Studies Association in Tulsa, Oklahoma in October. Earlier this year, Catherine was awarded an inaugural British Association for American Studies Founders’ Award and a travel grant from the Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, to present her research at the Willa Cather Foundation conference in Red Cloud, Nebraska. Her paper, ‘Voice of the Prairies? Willa Cather and the International Modernist Scene’, will be published in the Spring edition of Cather Studies (University of Nebraska Press). Further to this, she has been invited as a conference fellow to contribute to the foundation’s international conference in Provence next summer.
Dr Jane Potter (Publishing) has also won a travel grant from the British Academy. Her award of £200 will support the costs of her attendance at the annual conference of the Society of the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, to be held next month in The Netherlands.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05 Jul 2006 around 2pm
Filed Under Research
Publishing Lecturer wins book prize
Jane Potter is to be awarded The Women's History Network Book Prize.The Prize is awarded for an author's first book which makes a significant contribution to women's history or gender history and is written in an accessible style that is rewarding to the general reader of history. Jane's book Boys in Khaki, Girls in Print: Women's Literary Responses to the Great War, 1914-1918 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) convinced the jury to make her joint winner of the Prize, which will be presented at the annual Women's History Network conference at the University of Durham in September.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 30 Jun 2006 around 11am
Filed Under Research | Publishing