Research Student’s Forthcoming Novel

Alana Jelinek is a research student in Arts and Humanities. She is publishing a novel 'Ohm's Law' with publisher, terra incognita.

Addressing globalisation, Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the pharmaceutical industry as well as complicity and 'bad faith', Ohm's Law tackles the growing convergence of the State and the Market in a highly readable, almost humorous, utterly unfashionable novel.

The book is being launched on Friday August 3 2007

at Foyles Bookshop, 113-119 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0EB

With images by Cornford & Cross.
'Ohm's Law' will be available exclusively through Foyles.

Alana Jelinek will read extracts from the novel - and others are invited to intervene.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 20 Jun 2007 around 12pm

Filed Under #Research