Podcasting article in The Bookseller
For an article in The Bookseller magazine on industry podcasts, Caroline Carpenter interviewed Angus Phillips from OICP and one of our alumni, Flavia Marcocci.
The team at the Oxford International Centre for Publishing (OICP) started recording audio content from interesting visitors and industry speakers more than a decade ago. Angus Phillips, director of the OICP, says: 'We aim to keep current with the industry and the latest developments. The podcast is part of our research and also supports our teaching. There is no strict format; the content is varied across topics and industry sectors.' Guests are selected to offer insight into the industry and the latest trends.
A former OICP student, Flavia Marcocci, began researching and producing her own podcast as her major project for her MA in Digital Publishing in 2018. Marcocci, who is platform manager at AI search firm Yext and previously worked at Polity and DK, launched Publishing Insight because 'at the time, there weren’t many career podcasts focusing on the publishing industry and the roles that comprise a publishing house'.
You can read the full article here
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