Publishing News | Publishing
International Summer School in Publishing - 2005
A new section of the web site has been added to the Publishing department; The International Summer School in Publishing will be running for Chinese students in 2005. See further details of the Summer School here.Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 20 Aug 2004 around 9am
Filed Under Publishing
British Book Design and Production Awards Shortlist
The judging for the British Book Design and Production Awards 04 has now been completed and the following entrants have been shortlisted. The standard was extremely high and the judges had to make some difficult choices. The list of finalists can be found here. The winners of each category will be announced at the Awards Dinner at The Brewery on 9 November and to ensure your place at the dinner please download the ticket application form from [url=][/url] or contact Sheila Branch at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11 Aug 2004 around 11am
Filed Under Publishing
Electronic Publishing Prizes
Harcourt Education, a publishing company with local offices in Oxford, have been involved with the MA electronic publishing module for the third year running. Small teams of students have developed new electronic prototype products based on Harcourt’s Heinemann secondary school books. At the end of the module the prototype websites were presented and in addition to each one being graded as normal, representatives from Harcourt were in attendance to choose first and second prize winners.Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 28 Jun 2004 around 7am
Filed Under Publishing
A Winning Dissertation
Cristina Garcia Kilroy, Publishing MA student, has won the Sue Thomson Foundation award for her dissertation 'How effectively are UK Trade Publishers using Internet Marketing?' . She wins £250 and two days of training at the Publishing Training Centre.Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 14 Jun 2004 around 6am
Filed Under Publishing
China Visit
Sue Pandit and Paul Richardson have just returned from a two-week visit to China where they visited a number of universities, publishing houses and publishing organisations. They also participated in Oxford Brookes first graduation ceremony in China at which three MA Publishing students received their awards from the Vice Chancellor Graham Upton. Both Sue and Paul gave a number of lectures and ran seminar discussion sessions with students and publishers. Sue's lecture to 80 undergraduate and postgraduate students at Peking University is featured on their news website at by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 14 Jun 2004 around 5am
Filed Under Publishing
Publishing student’s research featured in Bookseller
In her Bookworm on the Net column in the The Bookseller (28th May 2004) Anne Weale praises Andrew Morgan's dissertation on publishers' websites. Andrew, a final year student of Publishing and Computing at Oxford Brookes University, shared his research with Weale and with Anna Rafferty at Penguin. "Having spent several evenings studying it," writes Weale "I believe that the publishers of the 10 sites he has analysed would do well to ask him for a copy."Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10 Jun 2004 around 9am
Filed Under Publishing
New Product Development - Demonstrating all the publishing skills
Both undergraduate and postgraduate publishing students are busy preparing and presenting new products as part of their final term's work at Oxford Brookes. These role-play exercises bring together all of the skills and knowledge learnt throughout the course, and reinforce the team working skills so vital for a career in publishing.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04 Jun 2004 around 8am
Filed Under Publishing
British Book Design and Production Awards 2004
We are pleased to advise you that the BPIF, The Publishers Association and Oxford Brookes University are again organising the British Book Design and Production Awards. The awards are unique in the industry in that they are based solely on the design and production qualities of each book ie paper, printing, binding, typeface and so on. The deadline for entries is Friday 25 June 2004 and books published in 2003 and 2004 up to the deadline are eligible for entry.Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 28 May 2004 around 6am
Filed Under Publishing
Reading Africa: readers, libraries and African publishing
Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies and Southern African Book Development Education Trust ( will hold a one-day conference on Saturday, 30th October 2004 at Headington Hill Hall to evaluate and take forward the Reading Africa programme that was launched at London Book Fair 2004. The Reading Africa programme covers Reading Promotion - directing readers to selected titles by African writers, linking parallel activities in the UK and Africa Literary Festivals and Book Fairs – encouraging and facilitating literary festivals and book fairs to include African writers and African-authored books in their programmes Media and PR – raising awareness of Reading Africa, African writing and publishing Seminars and Conferences – to develop professional awareness of Reading Africa For more information contact Paul Westlake.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12 May 2004 around 9am
Filed Under Publishing
Publishing Research Seminars
The following seminars will be held this term: Wednesday 28 April Chris Jennings will give a talk on 'Blogging', in R115 at 1pm. Wednesday 12 May Juliet Gardiner will speak on 'The Faceout Author, in HK6 at 1pm. Wednesday 26 May Padmini Mongia will give a paper on 'Marketing Indochic', in HK5 at 1pm All are welcome. For further information, contact Claire Squires .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 27 Apr 2004 around 12pm
Filed Under Publishing