Past Events

Wed 15 March 2006 at 7.00 pm

Translating children’s books

Sarah Adams

Taking Place: Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Hill Campus in Semester 2 2006

More information from:

Sue Neale (OCBG) 01865 891610

Complete Event Details

Type of Event:

Wed 15 March 2006 at 10.00 am

Usability, Customer Experience and Accessibility

Jon Dodd (Bunnyfoot)

Taking Place: Richard Hamilton Building - room 115 - Places are limited. in Semester 2 2006

Jon Dodd is the Director of the UK's premier interactive behaviour consultancy. Bunnyfoot are based at the Harwell Innovation Centre in Oxfordshire.

This is a guest lecture for the MA Interactive Media Publishing - web site here and this is part of the Web Publishing module.

Type of Event: Publishing

Mon 13 March 2006 at 5.01 pm

Museum Publishing

Sally Hughes (Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies)

Type of Event: Publishing Seminars

Thu 9 March 2006 at 7.00 pm

Looking for a job in publishing?

The SYP has organised a career's evening for first jobbers.

Taking Place: Christ Church (Friend’s Room), Oxford University in Semester 2 2006

Our careers evening is the perfect opportunity for finalists and recent graduates to learn more about the job market in publishing. This meeting aims to give you a clearer career idea, an appreciation of how employers recruit and how they select. Our speakers will also be answering questions about resume-writing and interview techniques. Whether your degree is in science, law, languages or publishing, come and find out how to maximize your transferable skills to land a first publishing job!

Drinks and nibbles 6:30pm; Talk 7pm-8pm-ish (depending on discussion)

Type of Event:

Mon 6 March 2006 at 10.00 am

Religious Archives Group - Conference

Archives and the Religious Heritage

Various speakers throughout the day - see website link for details

Taking Place: RM B202, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London in Semester 2 2006

Details of the conference are available from the conference website

Complete Event Details

Type of Event:

Wed 1 March 2006 at 4.00 pm

Stories and Poetry in Language Learning

Westminster Institute of Education Research and Knowledge Transfer Seminars

Jane Spiro (Westminster Institute of Education, Oxford Brookes University)

Taking Place: Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Hill Campus (Rm AG/13) in Semester 2 2006

Convenor: Sarah Maidlow

Type of Event:

Wed 22 February 2006 at 2.15 pm

The Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD): Lecture Series

Ancient Dramas that Break into Modern Song: A Contemporary Composer Confronts the Timeless Truths of Greek Tragedy

Professor John Eaton (Opera Composer; Professor of Music) (University of Chicago)

Taking Place: Seminar Room, University of Oxford Classics centre in the Old Boys' High School, George Street, Oxford in Semester 2 2006

John Eaton's 'The Cry of Clytaemnestra' will be screened the day before, on Tuesday 21 February at 8.15pm in a venue to be confirmed, in association with Classics Society. All are welcome to both events (there will be a £2 charge for non-members to attend the screening. the lecture is free).

For further information please contact Chris Weaver at APGRD:, telephone 01865 288378 

Type of Event:

Mon 20 February 2006 at 5.00 pm

ELT Publishing

Catherine Kneafsey (Oxford University Press)

Type of Event: Publishing Seminars

Wed 8 February 2006 at 4.00 pm

Creative Partnerships: The Sequel

Westminster Institute of Education Research and Knowledge Transfer Seminars: Creativity and Learning

John Hole and Phil Whitehead (Westminster Institute of Education, Oxford Brookes University)

Taking Place: Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Hill campus (Rm AG/13) in Semester 2 2006

Convenor: Sarah Maidlow

Type of Event:

Wed 8 February 2006 at 2.15 pm

The Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD): Lecture Series

Ancient Greek Music and the Art of Cheironomy at the Gardzienice Theatre: Reclaiming the Lost Territories of Drama.

Wlodzimierz Staniewski, theatre director. (Gardzienice Theatre Company, Lublin)

Taking Place: Magdalen Auditorium, Oxford in Semester 2 2006

A lecture in the series organised by APGRD, Classics Centre, University of Oxford. Entry is free and all are welcome. The talk will accompany the performances at the Barbican in the first two weeks of February.

For further details please contact Chris Weaver at APGRD:, 01865 288378 

Type of Event:

Mon 6 February 2006 at 5.00 pm

The Oxford Text Archive

history, problems, and possibilities for the future

Dr James Cummings (Oxford University Computing Services)

Taking Place: R115, Richard Hamilton Building in --

Type of Event: Publishing | Publishing Seminars

Wed 25 January 2006 at 3.45 pm

Educational Philosophy at Westminster, 1880 - 1940

Methodist Studies Unit, Open Seminar

Ashley Rogers (PhD Research) (St Hilda's College, University of Oxford)

Taking Place: Oxford Brookes University - The Smetham Room, Wesley Centre (D4), Harcourt Hill Campus, Oxford in Semester 2 2006

The seminar addresses the question of how Westminster College's educational philosophy was affected by modern psychology, its religious ethos, and University of London affiliation?

This is an open seminar and EVERYONE is welcome. For further information please contact Peter Forsaith on ext 8319, email 

Type of Event:

Fri 20 January 2006 at 1.05 pm

Web Training day

How to write for the Web

Chris Jennings and Sally Hughes (Publishing staff)

Taking Place: Richard Hamilton Building, School of Arts and Humanities, Headington Campus in Semester 2 2006

This is really for internal staff only but you might be interested to see the WIKI page for this day.

Type of Event: Publishing

Wed 11 January 2006 at 10.00 am

Artist Talks at John Radcliffe Hospital

Oxfordshire Arts and Health Network

Various speakers

Taking Place: John Radcliffe Hospital, Academic Block, Lecture Theatre 1 in Semester 2 2006

In this event organised by the Oxfordshire Arts and Health Network 4 artists talk about their work in health care settings. This is an open, drop in session between 10am and 3pm on Wednesday, 11 January.  All are welcome, and you can attend for just part of the event. Bring lunch with you, tea and coffee provided.

Complete Event Details

Type of Event:

Thu 8 December 2005 at 9.30 am

The Rammed Earth Revival 1905-1925

Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (OISD) Breakfast Research Seminars

Dr Mark Swenarton (Department of Architecture, School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University.)

Taking Place: Oxford Brookes University, Gypsy Lane Headington Campus (Buckley Building RM BG10) in Semester 1 2005

Complete Event Details

Type of Event:

Tue 22 November 2005 at 5.00 pm

Manuscript in Print: the Ink and Paper of Alternative Comics

Emma Tinker (University College London)

Taking Place: Room 115 in the Richard Hamilton Building in --

Complete Event Details

Type of Event: Publishing | Publishing Seminars

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