By the Book6
Power Dynamics in Publishing
Taking place:
Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy
26 to 27 June 2019
The European Publishing Studies Association (EuroPub), founded in 2016, aims to foster the exchange of knowledge around the contemporary book trade. Since 2012, the By the Book conferences have provided a forum for current research into the key issues and innovations around publishing in Europe and globally, providing insights into the contemporary industry. Building on the past five conferences, By the Book6 will be on the theme of Power Dynamics in Publishing.
Proposals are encouraged on any aspect of the conference theme. We welcome an open debate about the nature of power relations in the publishing industries under or beyond the topics below:
· Addressing publishing’s diversity deficit
· Hierarchies of power from production to publication
· Copyright and censorship
· Internationalizing/decolonizing publishing pedagogy
· The relevance of publishing studies in higher education
· Open borders, open access and the changing demands of the academy
· New definitions of publishing, and of its readers and authors
· Translation and adaptation in new markets
· National and supranational publishing policy
· Innovative business models
We welcome all qualitative and quantitative approaches and innovative research models that inform the current trends and practices in publishing. There are three overall strands to the conference: research, industry trends, and pedagogy.
Abstracts are now invited. Proposals should be of around 250 words together with a short (100-word) biography of the participant/s. Please include the names, addresses, affiliations, and contact details for all participants - and add any technical requirements. Please state if you are a postgraduate research student.
Group proposals for roundtable discussions of key issues are invited. Delegates from industry are also welcome to attend.
The conference fee is 265 euros including for attendance without presenting a paper. There is a reduced rate of 100 euros for PhD students. There will be some accommodation available at the conference venue, the Villa Finaly, to be arranged once papers are accepted. Delegates should make their own arrangements for travel.
For full information, please download the call for papers.