Transforming the YA Publishing Industry

Podcast episode: 108

The Influence of YA Book Subscription Boxes

Lily Carreiro - MA Publishing

In this podcast episode, Lily Carreiro covers the trends following the rise in popularity of Young Adult book subscription boxes among readers, from their redefinition of the book as an immersive, collectable product, to their ability to draw together an active community of bibliophiles on social media. The widespread book publicity and online exchange of ideas that have followed among new generations have urged industry professionals to reconsider the YA book market’s own trajectory, but what can publishers do to adapt and thrive in the face of tenacious and assertive young consumers?

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Duration: 00:05:59

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 26 Nov 2023 around 6pm

Further Resources

Subscription Boxes




Book Influencers

Kristen Williams @myfriendsarefiction:

Hana @hanabookreview:

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