Managing Change In Publishing

Podcast episode: 59

A Seminar at the SYP Conference - November 2013

Rebecca Smart, Osprey and Samantha Missingham, HarperCollins

Change is inevitable. And for Osprey, change was embraced to ensure future success. Listen to Osprey’s CEO, Rebecca Smart, weave an engaging and honest story of how the company’s growth was as much a process of discovery as it was a strategic decision that would ensure its survival, and demonstrate that managing yourself for and through change can help lead others through the same process. Samantha Missingham will then share her ideas on how the ‘cream doesn’t always rise to the top’; how people (young pub-lishers specifically) need to get their hustle on - using social media. Samantha will then present some tips for creating and getting your dream job, building credibility, and getting exposure.

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Duration: 01:03:14

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