Alumni - Brynna Gabrielson, MA Publishing
After completing my BA in Creative Writing in Canada, I decided to pursue a Master of Arts in Publishing. Located in a city seemingly built on a foundation of famous literature, Oxford Brookes seemed the perfect place to do it. Attending Brookes was an amazing experience. I learned a great deal and met a vast array of fantastic people. As a big fan of ebooks and the evolving world of digital publishing, when it came time to select a topic for my major project, I decided it would be both a fun, and somewhat scary experiment to self-publish a novel I had written for my undergrad: Starkissed.
I undertook every task a publisher would in the creation and publishing of Starkissed. I was the editor and designer, as well as the marketing and sales team. My initial goal was to sell 75 copies in the first month, but instead I sold 773 copies. To date, exactly 13 months later, I have sold just over 6,500 copies. Studying at Oxford Brookes gave me the skills and knowledge I needed to succeed in the publishing of Starkissed, and showed me that I could be a successful author and publisher all on my own.
You can buy the ebook here
This is Brynna's website
Posted on 12 Sep 2013 around 1pm