Publishing News

Print on Demand

David Taylor from Lightning Source Ltd. gave a very illuminating talk on 'Print-on-Demand' (POD) to Postgraduate students on the Publishing programme.

Lightning Source has become one of the largest organisations world-wide to provide 'print-on-demand' services. With plants in the UK (Milton Keynes) and the USA (Nashville), Lightning Source are able to print single copies of books, using a file provided by the publisher.

David explained to us that POD is introducing all sorts of opportunities for new business models, including small scale publishers with 2 or less titles, self-publishing, and removal of the need for warehousing of books.

Full News item here

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 13 Mar 2006 around 3pm

Filed Under Publishing

Paris Publishing Students in Oxford

A group of 17 students and two staff from the Université Paris X – Nanterre (Pôle Métiers du Livre) were in Oxford in early March to visit the publishing department.

During four action-packed days they also visited Blackwell's bookshop, Oxford University Press and the Bodleian Library, and still had time to socialise with Brookes students and visit the London Book Fair.

In mid-March a group of Oxford publishing students will be visiting the Leipzig Book Fair, and our partners at the HTWK in Leipzig. 

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 13 Mar 2006 around 11am

Filed Under European Publishing

MA in Publishing students working on Story Museum

Five students from the MA in Publishing course at Brookes are currently undertaking work experience for the Story Museum. So far they have been involved in research, writing, design, photography, and events (author signings, story telling, drawing workshops, school exhibitions, theatre).

The Story Museum is a registered charity with authors Philip Pullman and Jacqueline Wilson as patrons. The long term objective is to raise the funds to build a children’s museum in Oxford about books and stories. The museum will be interactive and include galleries, reading areas, performance spaces, and play and activity areas. The aim is to get children to love stories and books, as there is evidence that this leads to doing better both at school and in life beyond education.

Until they raise the required funds to build the museum, the charity is operating as a virtual museum that runs events and exhibitions, both in schools and for the public. For further information see

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09 Mar 2006 around 5pm

Filed Under Publishing

Graduate Course Catalogue Online

The Arts and Humanities Postgraduate team have produced a comprehensive catalogue of all of the courses available in the School of Arts and Humanities for 2006. The catalogue gives in-depth information about each course and details of how to apply.

The online version is available as a PDF here. For further postgraduate information go to the Arts and Humanities Postgraduate web site.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 24 Feb 2006 around 11am

Filed Under Postgraduate

International Publishing Evening

MA Publishing students introduced themselves at the OPUS (Oxford Publishing Society) International Evening.
OPUS organise these events annually and this year's again took place at the offices of Oxford solicitors, Blake Lapthorn Linnell. The food and drink was plentiful and the company was very international. Many Publishing students attended the event and after introductions from Angus Phillips (Director of the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies), several students explained to the gathered crowd, their own reasons for coming to Oxford.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03 Feb 2006 around 12pm

Filed Under Publishing

LaBooM web site launched

The LaBooM web site is now launched to raise awareness of the project and it is being used by partners to develop the learning materials.   In February 2006 OICPS will host a meeting of the writers of the online and print materials, and eventually all of the on-line resources will be available via the LaBooM web site.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 15 Dec 2005 around 4pm

Filed Under European Publishing

Authors and Books in the Digital Age - Call for Papers

Miha Kovac of the University of Ljubljana and Kelvin Smith of OICPS have been invited to edit a special issue of Javnost/The Public on Authors and Books in the Digital Agecall for papers can be downloaded here.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08 Dec 2005 around 3pm

Filed Under European Publishing

Book of the Year Award

Raphael: From Urbino to Rome published by the National Gallery and written by Tom Henry of the School of Arts & Humanities (with Hugo Chapman and Carol Plazzotta) has won the prestigious Book of the Year Award at the annual British Book Design and Production Awards. The Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies has worked on the organisation of these awards along with the British Printing Industries Federation and the Publishers Association since they were re-launched four years ago. These awards celebrate the quality of book design and production produced by UK publishers and UK printers. Adrian Bullock , with support from Publishing students, plays an important role in these awards which includes the cataloguing of the books being submitted and hosting the judging here at Brookes each summer.

Details of the award winners can be found at [url=][/url]

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09 Nov 2005 around 8pm

Filed Under Publishing

LaBooM kicks off in Vienna

The LaBooM project (Languages for Book and Media Sector) was launched on 26-28 October in Vienna.  Initiated and coordinated by the Akademie der österreichischen Buch-und Medienwirtschaft, LaBooM aims to provide vocationally-oriented language learning in English, German and Italian for people working in the book and media sectors.

Kelvin Smith from Brookes joined partners from Austria, Poland, Italy, Spain, Czech Repuiblic and UK for three days of meetings to develop the detailed work plan for this two year project, which will produce a variety of learning materials and a multi-lingual glossary of terms in English, Czech, Polish, Italian, Spanish and German. The LaBooM project is funded with support from the Leonardo da Vinci Programme of the European Commission.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 31 Oct 2005 around 11am

Filed Under European Publishing

Publishing department visits the Frankfurt Book Fair

Several staff from the publishing department accompanied by 30 students from the MA Publishing Programme have returned from a highly successful visit to the 2005 Frankfurt Book Fair.

Many publishing companies obliged the Brookes visitors with appointments on their stands and they gave much valuable information about the way that the rights deals are struck at Frankfurt and at Book Fairs generally. Although this was a short visit, the 'Frankfurter Buchmesse' is an intense but inspiring adventure.

Some Photos here

A Flickr set here 

Full News item here

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 25 Oct 2005 around 1pm

Filed Under Publishing

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