Mon 2 May 2022 to Mon 1 August 2022
Data-driven Marketing & Publishing
Taking Place: Online (via distance learning)
Oxford International Centre for Publishing is delighted to invite industry professionals to join this master's level module over the summer semester. In this 12-week course, you will cover the theory and practice of data-driven marketing and business intelligence in a publishing context. This includes working with consumer data ethically, generating value from data, as well as methods of data evaluation and communication.
Studying via Distance Learning
The course is delivered online via Moodle VLE through custom-written chapters and additional set reading. It is designed to fit around full-time work or commitments, from any time-zone. Tutors from the Oxford International Centre for Publishing are available to hold video tutorials, answer questions, provide support and offer feedback on assignments.
As an associate student, you will have full access to the Oxford Brookes University library, computers, careers service, study advice and other resources. A module is a self-contained unit of study from within the master's programme. It represents 200 hours of study and is worth 20 credits. These can be put towards a PG Certificate, PG Diploma or MA qualification.
Each week requires approximately 10 hours of study to complete the set reading, learning activities and to contribute to the forum discussion.
Weekly Topics
- Working with data in publishing
- Understanding users through data
- Privacy, GDPR and data ethics
- CRM, workflows and automation
- Working with KPI and metrics
- Communicating with data
- Email Marketing
- Performance marketing channels
- Data-driven content serving
- Consolidation: methods, tools, strategies
Weeks 11 and 12 are dedicated to independent study and completion of the coursework.
Three core texts are included within the tuition fees. You will be sent:
- Digital Analytics for Marketing by Sponder & Khan
- Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil
- Irresistible by Adam Alter
- Test 1: Working with data
- Test 2: Monitoring and analysing data
- Coursework 1: CRM strategy
- Coursework 2: Market segment plan