Publishing Blog
Oxford University Press Stock Planning Away Day
by Rebecca Burke
In November 2017 fifteen MA Publishing students from the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies at Oxford Brookes University joined the Global Academic Stock Planning department for their annual away day
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 15 Nov 2017 around 3pm
‘Fair use is not your enemy’: Judge Leval on the Google Books decision at the London Book Fair
by Ellie Bishop
In 2004, Google launched its Google Library Project, and over the next ten years set about to create digital copies of tens-of-millions of books in co-operation with major libraries around the world. Through Google Books they publicised each title’s bibliographic information and made their contents searchable. In 2014, Judge Pierre Leval and the US Court of Appeals heard the case made by numerous authors against Google for copyright infringement. In this landmark decision Judge Leval found Google’s digital copying to be lawful under the US doctrine of fair use.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 30 Mar 2017 around 6pm
How Can You Use Twitter to Promote Your Book?
by Alessandra Pineda
Freelance digital marketer Camille Mari of camillesolutions talked to the MA Publishing students about the importance of social media—particularly Twitter to build a web presence online. While she said that Facebook is the most used social media platform right now, Twitter is more professional and can help you engage with your audience using a variety of paid automation tools. Camille emphasized that the platform allows you to check on your competitors: “Who are they? Do they have something you don’t? And if they do, learn from them—never copy, but do it better.
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Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 20 Mar 2017 around 11am
Educake Science- Small but Mighty
by Bethany Lund-Yates
Charley Darbishire, founder of Educake Science, visited Oxford Brookes to describe his experience setting up an online educational platform. Educake is a learning resource focused on secondary science, and is designed to help teachers reduce their workload. It does this by providing thousands of homework and revision questions, which cover multiple curriculums, and are marked by the system itself. Educake also has the benefit of allowing teachers to track their students’ progress, as well as targeting topics that need to be readdressed.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 14 Mar 2017 around 11am
UX & UI: Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls
by Simon Phillimore
On the first of March we were lucky enough to have Mariana Morris of Oxford Computer Consultants give a presentation on a most modern phenomenon – digital UX and UI, or to give them their full titles, User Experience and User Interface. Unknown to many of us, each and every day we engage in a UX or interact with a UI, whether we are simply checking Facebook, buying something off Amazon, or writing a blog post.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07 Mar 2017 around 11am
XML - the New Frontier of Publishing
by Kayla Schoch, MA Digital Publishing
For some, the thought of coding, scripts, and metadata is as horrible as the thought of being one of the publishers that turned down Harry Potter. However, for Priya Packrisamy and Marcos F. Sanmamed—XML Content Specialists at Oxford University Press (OUP)—XML is more than its daunting, digital mask. For them, XML is an essential part of their jobs that allows them to transform publishing from print to digital.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 21 Feb 2017 around 4pm
Transforming Digital Science Publishing at Pearson Education
by Franziska Boeswald, MA Publishing Media
Colin Goodlad, Senior Product Manager at Pearson Education, gave us a fascinating introduction to the digital side of publishing for GCSE science. His team consists of two parts: the development team and the delivery team. Both need to work closely together to achieve the best possible result.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 21 Feb 2017 around 3pm
The voices of volunteers at FutureBook 2016
by Nicola Timbrell, MA Publishing Subject Coordinator and 3 MA Students
This year eight MA Digital Publishing and Publishing Media students from Oxford Brookes University volunteered to help out behind the scenes at the renowned digital publishing conference, FutureBook 2016. They reported that it ‘was amazing’, and that ‘all of us shone individually and collectively’. Of course there was time to network with attending publishing professionals, listen to speakers, and learn a great deal about what is going on in the digital publishing industry.
While all were brimming with excitement and news, three students wrote up their experience of the day. I hope you enjoy reading their accounts, below.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 19 Jan 2017 around 1pm
OPuS event - Museums and Cultural Publishing
by Catherine Hall
This event took place on 3rd November 2016 and was focused on publishers and retailers working within museums, galleries, and the heritage sector. Katie Bond of the National Trust, Samuel Fanous of the Bodleian Library, and Declan McCarthy of the Ashmolean museum kindly came to talk to us about the financial and business considerations that come into play when commissioning works.
Publishers from the cultural sector occupy an ambivalent position between other trade publishers and cultural bodies, which may explain why they have survived the recession so well. As others have folded, heritage publishing has moved more and more into the High Street. This is reflected by the kinds of works being produced in each of our speakers’ businesses.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 16 Nov 2016 around 8pm
Frankfurt Book Fair 2016
by Martina Borg
As a relatively new MA Publishing Media student at Oxford Brookes University, I must admit to knowing very little about the Frankfurt book fair prior to joining the course. It was little more than a promising murmur when I signed up for the trip, but throughout our first month in the classroom we heard a new snippet of information about it practically every day ...
As the twenty-five of us on the trip came off the S-Bahn platform on Friday morning, we were swept into the venue along with throngs of other fair-goers. For book lovers, it is a bit like being a child in the busiest candy store you can imagine. The fair offers something of a unique opportunity for publishers to meet international partners and to discuss rights deals for upcoming works. Walking through the halls, I tried to fit in with the industry professionals milling to and from various publishers' stalls, and I was struck by the sheer number of appointments each publisher had throughout the day, from the big international power-houses, to the smaller, independent publishers hailing from practically all around the world.
Edited by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03 Nov 2016 around 1pm