Publishing Research Conference - Call for Papers - Florence, Italy - May 2013

Research Conference led by the universities of Paris, Oxford Brookes, HTWK Leipzig, Ljubljana, Milan

30-31 May 2013, Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy

Going digital: merging booktrade organizations

The purpose of the conference is not merely to analyse and question the book market and its economy but most of all to try to understand the evolutions led by the transformations the book is undergoing as an object, on a European scale.

En quoi les technologies numériques nous invitent-elles à repenser les métiers du livre ? Telle est la question à laquelle nous entendons apporter des éléments de réponse dans le cadre de la rencontre scientifique qui aura lieu à Florence les 30 et 31 mai prochains lors de l’université des métiers du livre rassemblant les universités de Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense, Oxford Brookes, Leipzig, Ljubljana et Milan.


Both academics and professionals are welcome to present a paper at the Finaly research conference. The themes of the conference are:

  • New books, new products, new creative processes
  • Publishing: a new job?
  • New modes of distribution

Papers on one of the subjects mentioned above, or on any other topic related to Publishing and the book trade more generally, are to be submitted by

21 March 2013.

They must not exceed 800 words and must be accompanied by a CV summing up the activities of the researcher.

Propositions must be sent to the following address:

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Full details of the conference can be found in the attached PDF file.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 14 Feb 2013 around 12pm

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